その他惑星 ALPO-Japan Latest

STS-119 Space Shuttle Discovery Image 2009/03/27(UT)

Ralf Vandebergh

Ralf Vandebergh(250mm Newton)
subject: 2009/03/27_STS-119 Space Shuttle Discovery observations

Observing the shuttle NASA emblem from Earth.

This is an observation of Space Shuttle Discovery at the end of the STS-119
mission to the ISS, delivering the last series of big solar panels(S6).
The image is taken one day after docking and one day before landing and
shows one part of the shuttle lighted by sun.The other side,especially the
wing is hidden behind shade.

The visible wing is the side were the NASA emblem is located and this
can clearly be seen as the dark detail at the right location! See the comparing
image of the shuttle taken from the the ISS at the right.

It was great luck to have this image at all,as the day was very cloudy and it
broke just a few minutes before the pass.The shuttle was followed approximately
1 minute later by the ISS and both could be seen still as a wider tandem at one
time,an amaing sight.

image: 10inch Newtonian,manually tracked)

[Ralf Vandebergh:Neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]

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