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ISS Image 2009/04/09(UT)

Mike Salway

Mike Salway(304mm newton)
 Hi all Here's an image of the ISS from last week, 9th April. I missed the
best part of the pass (overhead) because I couldn't find the ISS in the
finderscope. I eventually found it once it had passed overhead and my
hand-tracking was good - I got loads of frames with the ISS captured, but
very few were sharp and usable so Ifm not overly happy with the results. My
shutter speed was too long again and the seeing wasnft good. The solar
panels flared while I was capturing - the image on the left shows very
bright solar panels (earlier less sharp images showed them even brighter.
The image on the right shows a shadow across the solar panels, probably from
one of the radiators. More here: International Space Station, 9th April 2009

[Mike Salway Central Coast,NSW Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Oplanets Section
2009/04/29 [ISS with Progress]
2009/04/02 [Ceres]