y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2009/01/12(UT)

Paulo Casquinha,Torsten Hansen

Paulo Casquinha (C14 355mmSC)
The seeing was fair to good and I took 9 avi files,since there was no
atmosphere details I select the best frames from all of them and put
everything on

(site: 38.567 N /8.933 W Alt 124 m)
[Paulo Casquinha Palmela,Portugal]
Torsten Hansen(200mm Newtonian)
Under poor to fair seeing.

Animation 1: 03:37 UT - 05:23.4 UT. Unfortunately, a time gap of half an hour 
(04:16.5 UT - 04:45 UT) due to bad seeing and an instantly needed break for warming up.

Animation 2 : for clarification, WOS starting at CM and traveling back and forth. 
03:45 UT - 05:23.4 UT. With 8-in Newton, DMK21AU04.AS, Astronomik R (same set up as for animation 1).

[Torsten Hansen:Boos Germany]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section