天王星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Uranus Image 2009/11/07(UT)
Stanislas Maksmowicz
Stanislas Maksymowicz (127mm reflector) |
(south top)
A dark tropical band near the clear
equatorial zone.
The equatorial zone clear at the limb.
A difficult obs in the local conditions but
with clear sky (SQM: 19.1) with no moon.
Still images during 1-2sec times.
S. MAKSYMOWICZ’s drawing
URANUS on 2009 November 07th
MC= 345°
15cm cassegrain (F15),
18H30 GMT CM: 345°
W.F. filter ; 321x
Seeing 3-5/10 (7/10 shot times) T:6/6
(seeing 10 the best)
Ecquevilly, France.
[Stanislas Maksymowicz Ecquevilly,France]