金星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Venus Image 2009/03/02(UT)
John Sussenbach,Willem Kivits

Kenkichi.Yunoki (260mm Newtonian)
帰宅が少し遅れ、金星は既に西空低く前の家の屋根に近づいていたため、シーイングは悪い。 先日注文していた Astro Don Venus UV Filter を初めて使用した。グラフから透過率が良いので期待していたが、325〜381nmが98.2%で明るく早いシャッターが使えて助かる。Registax 5は1Gを超えしかも50000枚まで処理出来る ということなので、試験的に10500枚撮像してみたが問題なく処理出来た。これも期待以上の改良となっていた。

[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫
John Sussenbach(280mm SC)

[John Sussenbach:Houten,Netherlands]

Willem Kivits(C14 350mmSC)
The Venus darkside is easyer and longer to image as usualy thouhgt.
This year I started when Venus was only k=0,425 , and I believe
it is certanly possible to do this side of the planet from half to half.

No need also for long exposures, you can image the darkside with 1/25- 1/50s.
with 10fr/s. at f/11 with a C14.All depends on transparancy conditions and a
good amount of frames. In the order of several thousends.

You have to increase the contrast high to get the darkside standing out, because
of the great difference between the darkside and the bright side. I have got results
with Schott 1000nm in 2007 and this year, but this year better results with an
Asahi1000nm filter. The second seems to give more real darkside radiation.

Cocerning the details that are visible on the darkside it seems that on realy good
transparent days these seem to be constant .Test with camera rotation and
position on different places on the chip gave constant features on the same place
on the darkside.For the 2e of March i' ve added some tests and a comparision
with a Celestia animation.
On less favourable days , when the darkside is also visible , there seem to be
also artefact due to chip characteristisks, so that it is difficult to distinguish wat is real
or artefact .Bets would be to have a series of realy good transparent days to go
for the details rotation.

Below here the results from this elongation.

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[copyright(c)2006 Willem Kivits:Siebengewald Netherlands]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section