金星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Venus Image 2009/03/11(UT)

Willem Kivits,Richard Bosman

Willem Kivits(C14 350mmSC)

Unauthorized use prohibited
[copyright(c)2006 Willem Kivits:Siebengewald Netherlands]

Richard Bosman(280mm SC)
thank you for the previous Venus reactions. 
With this filter(1000 nm Schott)  you can see , night side, recording. 
The night side, just before and just after the conjunction to see, Venus is a narrow crescent. 
What we can see this phenomenon is a thermal surface of Venus. 
Light and dark structures are visible, dark areas are higher and therefore cooler than light areas. 
Recording is made with the C11 @ f10 with a Schott 1000nm ir filter and ATK-2HS 
Time: 2009/3/11 18h39 UT 
Venus was 12.7 degrees high. 

afternoon between the cloud , Venus in normal light. 
Recording is a RGB, with ATK-2HS in F30 @

Some test images ,working by 1000nm comming soon.

Unauthorized use prohibited
[copyright(c)2006 Richard Bosman: Netherlands]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section