その他惑星 ALPO-Japan Latest

cosmos 2369 (Zenit-2 Rocket 2nd stage telescopic obs) Image 2010/07/06(UT)

Ralf Vandebergh

Ralf Vandebergh(250mm Newton)
The less spectacular images are often the most interesting ones...
In my own opinion, this is one of my best observations to date.
This is the second stage of a Zenit-2 rocket, which orbited
Cosmos 2369 in 2000, seen from a distance of almost 1000km.
The elongated shape of the rocket is well visible, thanks to
the dimensions of 10-11 x 3.9 meters. 

I often tried capturing rockets in the higher LEO's but its
mostly very difficult and seeing must be really good.
I was very surprised at this one, as all the frames of the
session showed comparable shape and same position of the object,
indicating also, that no obvious tumbling within the captured
time of the pass occured. This was visually witnessed, during
tracking of the object in the secundary scope. However, there
appear some smaller brightness variations between the single

[Ralf Vandebergh:Neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]

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 [ISS with visible all docked Soyus/Progress ships]