y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2010/01/31(UT)

Paul G. Abel,Jean Jacques Poupeau,Daniel Chang

Paul G. Abel(203mm Newton)
A brief view in only average conditions. Note that the features seem to be much more hazy and harder to pick up at the moment.

[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]
Jean Jacques Poupeau (350mm Cassegrain)

[Jean Jacques Poupeau : Pecqueuse France]

Daniel Chang (180mm Mewlon)(254mm SCT)
2010-01-31 21:48.5 UT  
CM I 172.5 CM II 237.6 CM III  49.2
Telescope : C9.25 f/30 
Camera : DBK 21AF04.AS
frames : 1800 frames Stacked

[Daniel Chang : Hong Kong]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section