土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2010/02/26(UT)

Anthony Wesley,Efrain Morales Rivera

Anthony Wesley (406mm Newton)
Attached is an image from this morning in steady conditions showing Saturn and Titan. A white storm is faintly visible close to the CM in "storm alley",ie approx latitude 35S. North is at the top in this image. The longitude of this storm is approximately 48.8 degrees CM3..

[Anthony Wesley,Murrumbateman Australia]
≪アンソニ オーストラリア≫
Efrain Morales Rivera(300mm SC)
2010/02/26 05:05ut
LX200ACF 12 in. F25
PowerMate 2.5x
Astronomik LRGB
Baarder IR/UV filter
Seeing 7/10 7/10

[Efrain Morales Rivera  Aguadilla:Puerto Rico]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section