y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2010/03/07(UT)

Emil Kraaikamp

Emil Kraaikamp(254mm Newton)
2010/03/07 00:18 UTC
254mm F/4.5 Newtonian
DMK21AU04 with ICX618ALA modification
Powermate 5x
DMK21AU04 camera modified with much more sensitive icx618ala ccd. Image
shows Saturn (and Titan) in three infrared light bands;
red = >807nm, green: 742-807nm, blue: 685-742nm. To get a sharper seperation
between the filters, the 807nm image was removed from the 742nm, and the
742nm was removed from 685nm. Capture settings (and transparancy) was the
same during the recording; 1/30s, 30fps, 1023gain.

[Emil Kraaikamp:Neighbourhood of Ruinerwold]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section