土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2010/04/28(UT)
Jose Antonio Soldevilla,Luis Miguel Azorin Albero,George Tarsoudis,Torsten Hansen

Toshirou.Mishina (200mm Newtonian)

≪神奈川県  横浜市  三品利郎≫

Jose Antonio Soldevilla(Newton 250mm)

[Jose Antonio Soldevilla  Canyelles-Barcelona-Spain]

Luis Miguel Azorin Albero(150mm. maksutov cassegrain)
150mm mak cass
Seeing 9/10   Trans 8/10
Comments: Very good seeing. Visible storm in north SED.

[Luis Miguel Azorin Albero : Elda Alicante (Spain)]

George Tarsoudis ( 250mm Newtonian )
Telescope 10 inch Newtonian @f/6.3,DMK 21AF04,barlows 3X & 2.5,filters L-RGB.

[George Tarsoudis,Alexandroupolis of Greece]
《ターソウディス  ギリシャ アレクサンドロポリス》

Torsten Hansen(200mm Newtonian)
The storm can be seen near the CM as a long white streak. 
Much better visibility in the green channel animations (original rotation from right to left).

[Torsten Hansen:Boos Germany]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section