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Jupiter Image 2011/11/07(UT)

Paul G. Abel,Wayne Jaeschke,Frank J Melillo,Carmine Gargiulo,Randy Tatum

Paul G. Abel(203mm reflector)
Atatched is a Jupiter drawing I made last night: "A long wait for very little" sums up last night's session rather accurately. The sky finally cleared for a bit at around 2345UT,and I was observing Jupiter by 0030UT. Alas the seeing was not very good and all but the main features were visible. Oval BA was present but it could not be seen directly,rather it's position was marked by the darker material which surrounds it,and is attached to the STB. There were some interesting dark markings in the NPR but I was able to do little more than note their existence. Clouds came up at 0049UT and this put an end to this brief view of Jupiter.

[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]
Wayne Jaeschke(356mm SCT)

[ Wayne Jaeschke ; West Chester,Pennsylvania U.S.A]

Frank J Melillo(254mm SC)

[Frank J Melillo Holtsville NY U.S.A]
Carmine Gargiulo(203mm SC)

[Carmine Gargiulo:City: Sant'Agnello (NA) - ITALY]

Randy Tatum(254mm SCT)
mage made with the 25.4 cm,f/12 refl.,2x barlow, DFK31AU03, Registax4 and Photoshop CS2.

[ Randy Tatum,Richmond,VA U.S.A]
ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section