y ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2011/02/27(UT)

David Gray,Damian Peach,Jim Phillips,Daniel Chang,Joerg Mosch

David Gray (415mm Dall-Kirkham)
February has been a disappointingly dull month: increasingly misleading weather
forecasting only adding to the frustration. They claim so much more
accuracy now; but I can only think that a more chaotic climate is confounding
their efforts. Or are they being blinded by their own science as compared to
simpler times??!  Clear skies are forecast for this location on Tuesday night
with partially clear on other nights this week so I hope to be sending you more
soon,but don't be surprised if I get nothing........!

[David Gray: Spennymoor Co. Durham,United Kingdom]

Damian Peach (350mm Celestron SCT)
Poor to very poor seeing prevented any decent result in visible/colour filters. I attach the best IR image obtained during the session and an IR animation. The storm isnt nearly as prominent in this wavelength though it does show how turbulent things are at this latitude with many dark spots and bright patches. Hopefully better seeing next time...

[Damian Peach: Loudwater,Buckinghamshire,United Kingdom]
Jim Phillips(254mm TMB)
Great weekend to be at the Farm! Right now Saturn seems to be rising too late to stay up and too early to get up. :^( With that dilemma at hand I decided to observe doubles first with my trusty AP 180 F/9 EDT. Of course the seeing did its best to keep from cooperating but I had fun observing doubles in Leo anyway. Gamma Leonis was probably my favorite of the night. By midnight Saturn was just up high enough to try imaging. Luckily the Great Storm was still visible as it was just about to rotate off the disk. Temp was in the low 40's. Coyotes were in the woods around the observatory howling off and on. Nice night under the stars. Great scope. I will upload the image I was able to get of the Storm just FYI.

[Jim Phillips South Carolina,U.S.A.]
Daniel Chang (235mm SCT)
2011-02-27  18:57 UT  2011-02-28 02:57 HKT

[Daniel Chang : Hong Kong]
Joerg Mosch(180mm FLrefractor)

[Joerg Mosch:Meissen,Germany]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section