Urgent alert: possible fireball on Jupiter

September 10, 2012
John H. Rogers (BAA)

Hello all,

Here is a visual report of an apparent fireball on Jupiter, just 9 hours ago, so the site should be visible again over the next few hours. The observer reported it to Richard Schmude of the ALPO. It sounds realistic, but obviously it needs confirmation if possible:

a) by looking for any 'impact scar' tonight or over the next few days;

b) by searching any webcam video that any observers might have been recording at the time.

From the time and position given, the flash was on the NEB at approx. L1=335, L2=219, L3=257.

Let's hope someone has a record of it!

Happy hunting,


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Dan Petersen [mailto:danpetersentrader@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 11:01 AM
To: Schmude, Richard
Subject: I just observed a large explosion on Jupiter this morning!

Hi Richard:

This morning at 11:35:30 UT I witnessed an explosion on Jupiter, it was located at Long1 = 335 and Lat = +12 degrees. This location at the time was just inside Jupiter's eastern limb and just north and inside of the southern edge of the NEB. The flash was bright white in color, maybe about 6th magnitude in brightness and lasted for just 2 seconds. I observed this event through my Meade 12" LX200 telescope at a power of 400X, seeing was good.

Best Regards, Daniel S. Petersen


John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
British Astronomical Association


Urgent alert: possible fireball on Jupiter

September 10, 2012
John H. Rogers (BAA)

これはわずか9時間前の木星の明らかな火球についての眼視レポートであり、数時間後にはサイトが再び見えるだろう。観測者はALPOのRichard Schmude氏に報告した。これは本当のように聞こえるが、明らかに可能ならば確認が必要である。

a) 今夜あるいは数日間は衝突痕を探す。

b) 観測者がその時刻に撮影したwebcamビデオを調べる。

提供された時刻と位置から、閃光はおよそL1=335, L2=219, L3=257のNEBだった。


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Dan Petersen [mailto:danpetersentrader@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 11:01 AM
To: Schmude, Richard
Subject: I just observed a large explosion on Jupiter this morning!

今朝の11:35:30UTに、木星に爆発を目撃した。位置はLong1=335, Lat=+12だった。その時刻の位置は木星の東縁に近く、NEBの南縁の北である。閃光は明るい白色で、おそらく6等級で、ちょうど2秒間継続した。私はMeade 12" LX200望遠鏡で400xで観測したが、シーイングは良かった。

Daniel S. Petersen


John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
British Astronomical Association

