土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2012/04/11(UT)

Christopher Go,Paul G. Abel,Vlamir da Silva Junior
Christopher Go,P.Abel,V.da Silva Jr.

Christopher Go (355mm SC)
It's a few days from opposition and the rings are now displaying the Seeliger Effect! Saturn's northern hemisphere is reddish this year. The green belt is where the Electrostatic Disturbance appeared last year. Note that the southern edge of this belt has some white patch features.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
Paul G. Abel(203mm reflector)
Despite the low altitude,the seeing was rather good at times and I was able to use a power of x312. Low passing cloud occasionally interfered with observations. The W#25A filter helped stabilize the image when seeing was poor.
Drawing 1 (IL): A few interesting things on the disk. IN the far south,the SPR and the SEB(?) could be glimpsed. EZ a nice yellowish rose colour. Quite hard to tell now where the EZ ends and NEB begins. The whole NEB region is quite broad and dark,but its boundaries are subtle. Two components (NEB(S) and NEB(N)) could be made out within the region but their exact location was rather hard to determine. Interestingly,the NTropZ and possibly the NTZ seemed to be mottled as if there were brighter regions within,this was more noticeable in the NTropZ. The Northern edge of the NEB(S) seemed to be a little irregular in places.
NTB seen but not obvious,NTZ greenish- NPR large and dark.
Rings: A-Ring bluish,B1-Ring bright and white colour,B2-Ring light greyish colour. C-Ring dark grey. The rings are now very bright as we approach opposition. ShGR narrow,ShRG distinctive. The Cassini Division was quite distinct,and I was able to trace it for quite a way along the rings.

[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]
Vlamir da Silva Junior (203mm SCT)

[Vlamir da Silva Junior : Sao Paulo,Brazil]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section