天王星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Uranus Image 2012/09/14(UT)

Flavius Isac,Christophe Pellier

Flavius Isac(254mm SC)
2012/09/14 01:04:05(UT)
Equipment: 254mm Schmidt-Cassegrain (Meade LX200R 10") + 2x barlow Baader
Zeiss Abbe
EFL: 6000mm (FD24)
Camera: IDS UEye EV76C661 Ruby
Filters: Baader IR685
Seeing: very good,transparency very good (4/5)
Site: Athis-Mons (France)

The seeing was very good this time.
Capture of 20 minutes,shutter 200ms.
The image is enlarged 200%.

[Flavius Isac:Athis-Mons:France]

Christophe Pellier (250mm Cassegrain)
Seeing was rock steady on friday morning and this was the good occasion to try to record details on Uranus in near infrared, although I was not sure it was possible with a 10"...
This is done with the Baader IR685 that has allowed a few amateurs already to record details on the globe. Collimation set up directly on the camera, and the ser file recorded without limit. The image is a massive stack of 13000 raw frames (250 ms - 4 fps).
A french amateur, Flavius Isac, has recorded the belt (and the brightened pole) as well at the same moment with also a 10" telescope and the same filter :

[Christophe Pellier Bruz City,France]
ALPO-Japan Latest Uranus Section