天王星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Uranus Image 2012/09/20(UT)

Flavius Isac

Flavius Isac(254mm SC)
2012/09/20 00:24:00(UT)  for the IR  and 00:50:00(UT)  for the RGB

Equipment: 254mm Schmidt-Cassegrain (Meade LX200R 10") + 2x barlow Baader
Zeiss Abbe
EFL: 7000mm (FD27.5)
Camera: Basler Aca640-100gm
Filters: Baader IR685 and Astronomik R G and B
Seeing: good, transparency good (4/5)
Site: Athis-Mons (France)

The seeing was again good, image round and stable on screen.
The IR is made at 5pfs for 25 minutes, the colors are 10fps for 5 minutes
Satelites for the IR were captured during the IR capture directly.
Satelites for the RGB were captured before the R without any filter.

[Flavius Isac:Athis-Mons:France]

ALPO-Japan Latest Uranus Section