木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2014/01/07(UT)

Carmelo Zannelli,Vlamir da Silva Junior,Paolo R. Lazzarotti
C.Zannelli,V.da Silva Jr.,P.Lazzarotti

Carmelo Zannelli (356mm SC )

Here I'm again to enclose my last image of the same 7th January session,but this one is the stack of 2800 derotated  frames;
I used for the first time "Winjupos" derotation... It's really a great help to enhanche details without noise ....

Here my last images of January 7th 2014 under fair seeing conditions.
In the first of the two images,casually I take almost the same Jupiter's details of the last image of December 28,
but in little best seeing conditions.

So,the GRS is rising in the left preceded by an active zone colored by faint cyan.
Interesting also,in my opinion,the tiny reddish colored WSZ (or Red Oval Z) surronded also here,
by half from a faint cyan colored zone,in the south part OF it.
But in the image is prominent the NNTZ-LRS which is lined by the deep red barge which seems to me as an eyebrow.
Finally,in the NTB there's still a lot of activity first of all the two ovals they're still interacting...

The second image,of about 90 mins after,but in ligthly worse seeing conditions,the GRS is prominent.
Interesting the cahotic zones following the GRS,which has a shade more brown than reddish.
The NNTZ-LRS is about to set.

Thank you very much for your attention and I apologize to everyone for my bad English.
[Carmelo Zannelli,Sicily-Italy]

Vlamir da Silva Junior (203mm SCT)

You may see on this image the ovals on SSTeB,from left to right (A7a,A8,A0,A1 and A2).
GRS has just risen here. Note WSZ with its redish tint,on the preceding side (north of NEB),
a little to the left of the CM. LRS-1 is also visible,though much harder to see (low contrast),
on the NNTZ,just north of a dark rod or bar on the preceding side. NEB is much thinner than SEB.
[Vlamir da Silva Junior : Sao Paulo,Brazil]

Paolo R. Lazzarotti (400mm Cassegrain)
26 never ending months have passed by when I shared my latest image, I had indeed a very long spell of troubles, but I lately kicked myself to meet again my beloved Planets!
Of course, it was all but easy to recover everything after such a long time, but I did it!
Find here my very first Jupiter image of 2014 grabbed on January 7 under fair seeing and thin cirrus layers:

I hotly welcome all your comments because I致e to understand whether this is the right way to go or I have to correct something. Thank you in advance for your valued feedbacks!
[Paolo R. Lazzarotti : Massa-City,Italy]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section