Important Jupiter alert: HST imaging the GRS

April 12, 2014
John Rogers (British Astronomical Association)

Japanese (translated by Yuichi Iga)

Hello all,
(Apologies if you get this message by more than one route):

This message is to ask observers to take good-quality images of the Great Red Spot region for the next 2 weeks, whenever possible between now and April 26, in order to support observations from the Hubble Space Telescope.

We recently reported that the GRS has not only shrunk significantly in the past year, but it has also shortened its rotation period and possibly increased its wind speeds. These changes could be due to the major outbreak of dark spots in the STBn jet which are being torn apart at the GRS. To investigate further, Dr Amy Simon-Miller, with Dr Glenn Orton & Dr Mike Wong & Dr Imke de Pater, have arranged for the Hubble Space Telescope to image the GRS region on Monday April 21 at approx. 09:30 and 19:30 UT.

To provide a longer context for these observations, tracking the STBn jet spots and possibly detecting the GRS circulation over a longer interval, it will be important to get good-quality amateur images of the region from now until April 26, and especially on every rotation next weekend (April 18-22). So if you can take images, please do so at every opportunity, even if the conditions are not as good as you would usually want.

Best wishes,



John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
British Astronomical Association

Important Jupiter alert: HST imaging the GRS

John Rogers (British Astronomical Association)



我々は、大赤斑が昨年に大きく縮小したばかりか、その自転周期が短縮し、おそらく風速が増加したことを、最近報告した。これらの変化は、大赤斑で引き裂かされているSTBnジェット気流の暗斑の大規模なoutbreakによるのかもしれない。さらに研究するために、Dr Amy Simon-MillerとDr Glenn Orton & Dr Mike Wong & Dr Imke de Paterは、4月21日(月)のおよそ09:30UTと19:30UTにハッブル宇宙望遠鏡が大赤斑領域を撮影するように手配している。




John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
British Astronomical Association

【日本語訳:伊賀祐一 (Yuichi Iga)】