火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2014/03/05(UT)

Jean Jacques Poupeau,Efrain Morales Rivera,Charles Triana,Carlos.E.Hernandez

Jean Jacques Poupeau (350mm windowed Casegrain)
Here is Mars on 2014/03/05
The seeing and the transparency were bad.
T = +0.5°C

[Jean Jacques Poupeau : Pecqueuse France]

Efrain Morales Rivera(300mm SC)
My latest session under below average conditions of Mars
on 2014/03/05 08:38ut. Clear Skies!.

[Efrain Morales Rivera  Aguadilla:Puerto Rico]

Charles Triana(254mm SC)
2014/03/05 07:03:08(UT)
S: 5/10 ? T: NA ? Alt: 73°2014/03/05 07:03:08(UT)
Regions of Arcadia,Amazonis and Tharsis are observed,
with dense cloud cover over the volcanoes in this area: Olympus Mons,Tharsis Montes and Alba Mons.

[Charles Triana : Bogota - Colombia]

Carlos E. Hernandez (Drawing:9-inch (23-cm) F/13.5 Maksutov- Cassegrain)
I made an observation of Mars on March 5, 2014 (06:00 U.T.; CM 107.9oW) using a 
9-inch (23-cm) F/13.5 Maksutov-Cassegrain (258x/Baader Contrast Booster filter. 
The Tharsis region of Mars was visible at the time which contains several 
volcanoes (including the mighty Olympus Mons). The North Polar Cap (NPC) 
appeared small and brilliant (10/10) with a dark (3/10) collar surrounding it. A 
prominent and very to extremely bright (8-9/10) cloud band was visible extending 
from the preceding (p.) limb over Chryse/Xanthe then over Tharsis and finally 
Amazonis towards the following (f.) limb. Mare Acidalium and Niliacus Lacus 
appeared dark to dusky (3-4) and partially obscured by a very to extremely 
bright (8-9/10) evening limb haze (ELH) over the preceding limb. Mare Erythraeum 
and Aurorae Sinus appeared dusky to dull (4-5/10) and were partially obscured by 
the ELH. Solis Lacus appeared dark (3/10) and complex with dusky to dull 
(4-5/10) streaks extending from it's borders. An orographic 
(mountain-associated) cloud (Nix Olympica associated with the massive Martian 
volcano Olympus Mons)was visible over the Tharsis region following the central 
meridian (CM). Discrete clouds (8-9/10) were visible towards the following limb. 
I hope that you all like it.
The best of luck to you and all fellow Mars observers/imagers.

[Carlos.E. Hernandez  South Florida U.S.A ]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section