火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2014/05/03(UT)
Joao Amancio Ferreira,Joaquin Camarena,Christopher Go,Fumega Camilo Ucha,Stanislas Maksmowicz,Leo Aerts,Richard Bosman,Christophe Pellier,John Sussenbach
T.Mishina,H.Matsumoto,J.A.Ferreira,J.Camarena,Christopher Go,Camilo,S.Maksmowicz,A.Leo,R.Bosman,Christophe.P,J.Sussenbach

Toshirou.Mishina (200mm Newtonian)

≪神奈川県  横浜市  三品利郎≫[Toshirou.Mishina:Kanagawa Japan]

Hirohisa.Matsumoto (308mm NTK Newtonian)
seeing 3/10 trans 4/5

[Hirohisa.Matsumoto  (Kurayoshi City Tottori-Prefecture Japan)]
≪鳥取県 倉吉市 松本博久≫

Joao Amancio Ferreira(254mm Newton)
2014/05/03 00:35:00(UT)
254mm Newtonian : DMK 21au04.as - IRcut
Seeing 5/10 Trans 2/5

[Joao Amancio Ferreira:Belo Horizonte MG Brazil]

Joaquin Camarena(305mm SC)

[Joaquin Camarena : Spain]

Christopher Go (355mm SC)
Martin Fiedler from Dresden was imaging with me this evening. Seeing was average but it was mostly cloudy when we started imaging Mars. We were only able to get enough data for a color RGB.
The Polar Vortex is over Tempe Terra. The dark ring around the North Pole is prominent. Ascraeus and Pavonis Mons are prominent as their peak are still above the cloud deck.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
Fumega Camilo Ucha(310mm.Newton)
Seeing poor tonight.

[Fumega Camilo Ucha  : Galicia,Spain]

Stanislas Maksymowicz (254mm SC 100mm refracter)
Here is the Mars report performed last May the 3rd with the 100mm refractor
and the cassegrain 254.
Images were not very good even with the 100mm and 190x.
Overall color disk was rather yellowish than orange-pink color,
surprisingly,in bothe scopes.
Elysium was not as conspiscious as the last observation time.
Cloudding was strong at the limbes,Tharsis area,and Isidis edge.
In red color The Isidis area presented a clear patch in relation with the
clouds seen in blue light.
Considering the present sky conditions it is difficult to add more,except
the white cloud noted in blue light on the Utopia on the limb with the 254
After 22H15UT,images became worst.

[Stanislas Maksymowicz  Ecquevilly,France]

Leo Aerts (355mm SC)

[ Leo Aerts: Belgium]

Richard Bosman(355mm SC)
Mars 2014-05-03 21h35 UT.
Olympus Mons with orographic clouds.
On the edge Tharsis volcanoes there too orographic clouds.
Left on the edge morning clouds (light blue)
I have more observing from that night,which probably come very shortly.
Mars Height: 34 degrees
Diameter: 14.3 "
Central meridian: 176.08
Telescope C14 and Basler Ace CCD

Mars in blue light
Date 03-05-2014
19h58 to 21h44 UT Recording Time (12 images)
Almost two-hour rotation.
It is not about the resolution but the clouds in blue light.
Clearly shows that the cloud has changed over a period of less than 2 hours.
Left the morning clouds.
Around Mount Olympus is seen that approaching the night the cloud increases.
Ditto for Tharsis region.
Around the NPC (right on the edge) see that the evening clouds also increases.
Just wanted to share this beautiful clouds spectacle with you.

[copyright(c)2006 Richard Bosman: Netherlands]

Christophe Pellier (250mm Cassegrain)
Here are 5 RGB+IR series taken on May 3rd taken every 40 mn. Seeing was correct.
They show the growth of Tharsis afternoon clouds over the volcanoes and the dissipation of Elysium morning hazes

[Christophe Pellier  Bruz City,France]

John Sussenbach(280mm SC)
The seeing was average.

[John Sussenbach:Houten,Netherlands]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section