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Saturn Image 2014/03/08(UT)

Flavio Fortunato,Trevor Barry,Marc Delcroix

Flavio Fortunato (254mm Newtonian)
2014/03/08,04:18:43 (UT) Telescope: 254mm Newtonian dobsonian f/4.7Camera:
ASI120MCPositive projection with eyepiece Plossl 10mm

[Flavio Fortunato: Maceio city,Brazil]

Trevor Barry(406mm Newtonian)
Imaged Saturn this morning targeting approx L3 49 degrees looking for an unconfirmed dark spot at approx +73 degrees.
I have also attached an animation of this data. I do not detect this particular dark spot but the seeing may not have been good enough. I will continue to target this L3.

[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]
Marc Delcroix (Pic du Midi 1000mm Cassegrain)
Heare are the results on Saturn from the first night out of 2, spent at the one meter telescope at Pic du Midi. Unfortunately seeing was not good, still Saturn in methane absorption band with such a telescope is far superior from what can be done with amateur's small diameter scopes:

[Marc Delcroix Tournefeuille,France]
ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section