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Saturn Image 2014/09/26(UT)

Trevor Barry

Trevor Barry(406mm Newtonian)
Imaged Saturn Sept 26th. Had emergency surgery Sept 19th on a hernia, not moving very well at the moment but was able to "carefully" get up the stairs in my observatory last night. This effort to make an attempt to get up the stairs was well timed as I have again captured the large bright EZ feature. Saturn is rapidly dipping toward the horizon now so there is not going to be many more opportunities.
The seeing was poor and the R channel was very ordinary but the image was more stable in IR. The EZ feature is well seen in my IR data s2014-09-26_09-26-06_ir_tba have included an inset with that image.
I now have data on the EZ feature from July 21st, Aug 21st, 24th, 27th & Sept 26th. This spread of data is over 67 days with a total cumulative L3 drift of 2595.3 degrees. The average L3 drift has been 38.7 degrees/day, approx 387 degrees every 10 days. Have attached my drift chart.

[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]
ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section