天王星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Uranus Image 2014/11/09(UT)
Christopher Go,Milika-Nicholas
Christopher Go,Milika-Nicholas
Christopher Go (355mm SC) |
Here is my first try with Uranus using my C14 and a Baader IR pass filter. Some surface details resolved.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
Milika-Nicholas(355mm SCT) |
Here is our Uranus image for November 9th 2014 captured with the Celestron
C14 (350mm) and ASI120MM-S camera.
UT date & time as shown in the images along with planet orientation & CM
co-ordinates: the image is replicated as both a mono (iR610nm) and a false
colour image.
I have altered my false colour interpretations slightly from the October
images to reflect my appraisals thereon.
The seeing was very good for this particular avi with the planet at its'
greatest elevation from our location at 52°.
The excellent seeing is probably the reason why Miranda at magnitude 16.5
was easily detectable in the stacked outcome despite the exposure of each
frame only being 46 milliseconds.
Of interest is the appearance of a faint white spot in the more southerly
large dark belt - this might well be an artefact but because this particular
avi was by far the best of the other avi's
from that night there is nothing else at present to determine this.
Worth looking for in future for any possible confirmation or otherwise...

[Milika-Nicholas:Adelaide,South Australia]