ALPO-Japan Latest

Venus Image 2014/01/06(UT)

Livio Finocchi

Livio Finocchi(200mm S.C)
Venus 2014/01/06 at 12:25 - 12:28 - 12:33 UT
200 mm S.C. f/10   317x+zoom 10x   single shots.  South is up.
Three shots made with no filter, yellow and polariz. filters.   Transpar was 
good but seeing was terrible, so the small phase is doubled and confused, but 
visible in any parts of the sickle. Note in the yellow image how long are the 
cuspids! Note how the phase in those days is turning for the western 
elongation. These are the best images of many shots.
 Planet was 62.6" diameter, mag. -4.3.  El. 9 E.  Phase only 1.1%!

[ Livio Finocchi,Tagliacozzo - L'Aquila ITALY ]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section