金星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Venus Image 2014/01/08(UT)
Livio Finocchi
Livio Finocchi(200mm S.C) |
Venus 2014/01/08 from 12:07 to 12:16 UT
200 mm S.C. f/10 317x+zoom 10x single shots. South is up.
Five images made with no filter, polariz., yellow and red filters. Transpar.
was very bad but seeing was till too good for the near position of the Sun and
the low altitude. Sky background was grey and Venus appeared like a ghost
librated in the daily sky, grey the planet too. A blissful vision! It's the
first time I watch Venus so near the Sun (excepting the 2004 and 2012 Venus
transit!) and so big! Note the long cuspids and the tiny phase (filters show
the different details).
Planet was 63" diameter, mag. -4.3. El. 6.7° E. Phase only 0.6%! Altitude at
shots 30°.
[ Livio Finocchi,Tagliacozzo - L'Aquila ITALY ]