ALPO-Japan Latest

Venus Image 2014/02/13(UT)

Livio Finocchi

Livio Finocchi(200mm S.C)
Venus 2014/02/13 from 08:21 to 08:25 UT
200 mm S.C.  f/10   317x+zoom 10x with no filter,  yellow, blue and red 
filters.   Single shots.  South is up.
Very good conditions this morning, every shot is clear with all the filters 
and interesting details are visible with anyone.
  Planet was 42" diameter, mag  -4.9.   El. 38.6 W and phase 24.2%.

[ Livio Finocchi,Tagliacozzo - L'Aquila ITALY ]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section