[Venus GIF] by L.Finocchi

ALPO-Japan Latest
[Venus GIF] by L.Finocchi

[Venus GIF] by L.Finocchi
Here is a GIF file of Venus phases since 2013/09/04 to 2014/05/28, covering 
about 9 months.
First frame made when planet was 15.2" diameter and phase 72.5%. Last frame 
made at 14.3" diameter and phase 76%, for a total of 39 pictures, passing for 
inferior conjunction with its 63" diameter and phase only 0.6%.
Every picture was made with a Meade LXD75   8"  f/10 used at 317x.   These are 
the best images I captured, made about at the same hours in daylight, aligned 
when possible, for a better result.     Easy to note the different orientation 
of sunbeams on the planet that is a mirror of motion and position of the planet 
around the Sun.  Hope you like it.

[ Livio Finocchi,Tagliacozzo - L'Aquila ITALY ]

ALPO-Japan Latest      Venus Section