火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2015/11/06(UT)

Vadim Alekseev

 Syrtis Majorの左側にでっぱりが写っている。まだ視直径がり小さいので、はっきりした
ことは分からないが、久しぶりに黒くなって見えているのかもしれない。Syrtis MajorからHellas
Sinus SabaeusとMeridhianiとの境目が淡くなっているようだ。
 北極周辺は非常によくわかる。Ismenius Lacus(W333,+40)の存在がわかる。
Though an apparent diameter was some four seconds, I was surprised at
 the image which came out very well.
A projection appears in the left side of Syrtis Major. I do not yet understand
 the clear form because an apparent diameter is small. I may see it with
 a black figure after a long absence. A light part equals one line from Syrtis
 Major to Hellas and seems to grow to the south. This may be a normal figure.
 A border with Sinus Sabaeusu and Meridhiani seems to become light.
I know around North Pole well very much. I understand existence of
 Ismenius Lacus(W333,+40).
(by 1  observatins;reported by Makoto Adachi)
FROM Makoto Adachi

Vadim Alekseev (400mm Newton)

[Vadim Alekseev: Lipetsk Russsia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section