火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2015/12/05(UT)

Clyde Foster

 IR画像の報告を見ると、Mare Acidarium付近の濃淡が非常によくわかる。この
画像を見る限り、前シーズンと比べると大きな変化は見られない。Edom (W350,+0)
The light and shade of the neighborhood of Mare Acidarium understand 
well that I see the report of the IR image very much. The change bigger
 than a pre-season is not seen as far as I look at this image. The
 neighborhood of Edom (W350,+0) comes out slightly brightly. The north
 seems to stop by slightly than an original position.
(by 1  observatins;reported by Makoto Adachi)
FROM Makoto Adachi

Clyde Foster(355mm SCT)
2015/12/05 03:20.8UT
CM=12.3 LS=77
355mm HD Edge SCT:ZWO ASI224MC
Seeing 5/10 Trans 9/10
Comments: An IR capture of Mars from this morning, with Mare Acidalium,
Niliacus Lacus, and Mare Eythraeum all prominent. Margaritifer Sinus and
Sinus Meridiani also clearly visible. Unfortunately I was not able to
capture RGB's this morning

[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section