I finish this rather rich astronomy week for me (3 observations sessions from the middle of the night to dawn ,with each time good seeing), with my first Uranus this year, made with the new cam. Got lucky on that one, I spent more than half an hour trying to aim the scope to Uranus - not easy when the sky does not let you see stars fainter than mag 4/4.5 and when you have a Dobson and Telrad without any coordinate circles. I could do a single 15min run, with the same focal length as the one I use for Saturn (!), and only 120ms exposures ....
Despite the clear sky before sunrise, I think the result is really good, we can see clearly a white band near the North pole. This sensor allows me really to make significant progress in planetary faint light infrared imaging (CH4, Uranus, Neptune).
[Marc Delcroix Tournefeuille,France]