Please find attached an observation of Venus made on 3rd March. The observation was made in twilight with good transparency, but seeing was rather poor. I observed with three filters W#25A (red), W#47(violet) and W#11 (yellow) which brought out subtle differences in the clouds bands which seemed to be present. Phase estimates were made in IL as well as with filters- these are given in the drawings. Other points include:
Illuminated Disk: A number of darker streaks and lighter regions were present on the disk. The darker streaks were much easier to see in the W#47 although the W#11 yellow also gave good contrast of these features
Unilluminated Disk: not visible
Bright Limb Band: visible and complete
Terminator: Geometrically regular
Cusp Regions: It may have been the case that the northern cusp was marginally larger than the south but I am far from certain of this. Both cusp collars also seemed to be present.
[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]