金星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Venus Image 2015/04/11(UT)
Paul G. Abel,Dan Petersen,George Tarsoudis,Frank J Melillo,Manos Kardasis,Yuri Goryachko
Paul G. Abel(203mm reflector) |
Please find attached a drawing I made of Venus yesterday afternoon. Seeing was in general rather poor- around AIV-V for most of the time. Still,there was a very interesting dark streak on the disk and what appeared to be a large bright region in the north. Other notes include:
Illuminated Disk: Vague dusky features in the south,a rather dark streak present in the north just above a large bright region extending over the northern pole. The attached drawing is a reasonable representation,of course the poor seeing means that there could well be errors.
Unilluminated Disk: Not visible
Bright Limb Band: Visible and complete
Terminator: Geometrically regular.
Cusp Regions: Either the northern cap is ow very large,or else it is its usual size with a diffuse bright region nearby,but the poor seeing is making it look like all of this region is very bright. The southern cap can be glimpsed. Neither cusp collars observed.
[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]
Dan Petersen(LX200GPS 355mm) |
[Dan Petersen: Racine,Wisconsin (USA)]
George Tarsoudis ( 355mm Newtonian Telescope) |
April 11,2015 Venus
Condition with medium seeing with good transparency
Telescope Skywatcher BK DOB14" Collapsible 355mm,camera FL3-FW-03S1M-C,filter Baader UV,barlow 3X.
[George Tarsoudis,Alexandroupolis of Greece]
《ターソウディス ギリシャ アレクサンドロポリス》
Frank J Melillo(254mm SC) |
[Frank J Melillo Holtsville NY U.S.A]
Manos Kardasis (280mm SCT ) |
here is Venus under average conditions.Impressed to see intense albedo diferences in the atmosphere in the visual band.
[Manos Kardasis,Glyfada-Athens;Greece]
《カーダシス マノス:ギリシャ アテネ》
Yuri Goryachko & Konstantin Morozov(360mm Klevtsov-Cassegrain) |
[ゴルヤチコ:ミンスク- ベラルーシ]
[Mikhail Abgarin,Konstantin Morozov,Yuri Goryachko: Minsk - Belarus]