金星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Venus Image 2015/07/29(UT)

Stefano Quaresima,Stanislas Maksmowicz

Stefano Quaresima(406mm SC)
Venus image 2015/07/29  18:02  UT
Telescope: Meade LX200 16" ACF
Planetary camera: Magzero I Nova PLAMX
Baader IR685 filter

[Stefano Quaresima:Italy - Olevano Romano (Rome)]

Stanislas Maksymowicz (100mm refracter)
The 29th report exhibits the vision of AL as it is moon AL Under a dark
See the report when using the polaroid filter and the 100ED refractor at
37x on 30th.
Nevertheless AL, the light, is still present Under a clear sky.
The polariser brings a lot.

[Stanislas Maksymowicz  Ecquevilly,France]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section