火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2016/12/18(UT)
安達 誠,遠藤宏次
Clyde Foster,Martin R Lewis,Paul Maxson

解説(安達)/ Comment by Makoto Adachi
経度は違うがMartin R Lewis氏の画像でもその様子が記録されている。Martin R Lewis氏の画像は、自然な写り方になっていると思う。
Mare Cimmeriumの北側はすぐに明るくなっているが、ここ最近は暗くなっているのが、確認できた。Ausonia南部とEridaniaの明るさは、
  The color image of Mr. Endo is very near Mars image judging from the naked eye. Delicate colors can reappear well.
 Light white cloud seems to appear in the neighborhood of east edge. The longitude is different, but the state is recorded with the image of
 Mr. Martin R Lewis. I think that the image of Mr. Martin R Lewis becomes the natural looking. The north side of Mare Cimmerium 
became bright immediately, but was able to confirm that here became dark recently. I understand that the southern part of Ausonia 
and the brightness of Eridania do not have the brightness as they see it with an IR image.
(by 5 observations ;reported by Makoto Adachi)

Makoto Adachi (Drawing: 310mm Newtonian)
≪滋賀県  大津市  安達  誠≫[Makoto Adachi:Siga Japan]

Koji Endo(150mm Newtonian or 103mm Refractor or 200mm Catadioptric)

≪埼玉県越谷市 遠藤宏次≫[Koji Endo : Saitama Japan]

Clyde Foster(355mm SCT)
This was the best of a large number of attempts I took over a few hours this evening. Conditions varying,but generally poor.
I note a brightening below the SPC which has not been particularly noticeable the last few days. However this could also be due to the limb arc effect,so it would be good to compare with any other images.
Elysium is seen as a diffuse bright spot at lower right.
The ”bridge” (Apodis D/Hesperi S?) connecting the southern end of Mare Tyrrhenum with Mare Cimmerium has been noticeable the last few days,with Ausonia(two lobes?) consistently bright. Mare Sirenum starting to come into view.

[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]

Martin R Lewis (444mm Newton)
Some pleasing details on the Mars image despite its diminutive 6.0"
diameter. The Venus image on the other hand was special,not because of any
detail visible,but because that then completes for me the full set of 7
solar system planets in an 8 month period during this calendar year. Please
take this composite image,with all the planets shown at the same image
scale,as a Christmas card to you all- to bring you good cheer and a
wonderful 2017.

[Martin R Lewis: Hertfordshire United Kingdom]

Paul Maxson(250mm DK or 315mm DK)
Difficult processing.

[ Paul Maxson:Surprise,Arizona,United States]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section