天王星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Uranus Image 2016/12/21(UT)
≪栃木県那須烏山市: 阿久津富夫≫
Milika-Nicholas (355mm SCT) |
Here i an image of Uranus from 21st December 2016 in fairly decent seeing.
The image reveals the broad N. Temperate dark band, the bright, thinner "band" around the EZ regions with more Southerly regions again darker...also the dark N.P. "collar" within the brighter N.P. region of the disk, which we have consistently picked up in our images over time, quite well-defined in most of the images herein. :)
We employed the iR610nm for this image. Of interest is the apearance of faint Miranda in this capture which usually indicates good seeing & transparency.....also that we captured this image using 70 frames per second - something relatively unheard of for amateur captures of Uranus previously. :)
[Milika-Nicholas:Adelaide,South Australia]