金星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Venus Image 2017/07/07(UT)

Paul G. Abel,Stanislas Maksmowicz

Paul G. Abel
I managed to grab a quick observation of Venus this morning before the clouds came in.  
I got two drawings, one in IL and the other with the W#15 filter. Conditions were poor but there were a number of things of interest:
Illuminated Disk: There seemed to be a dark diagonal streak to the north- this was more prominent (and had more structure) in the W#15 filter. 
There also appeared to be a vague streak to the south in the W#15 filter.
Bright Limb Band: Visible and complete
Terminator: Geometrically regular
Cusp Caps: Both seem equal.
Cusp Collars: Both present and about equal.
0846UT seeing too poor to continue.

[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]

Stanislas Maksymowicz
On that morning, conditions were at near the limit ability of the 90mm with the 7/10 seeing level.
Anyway comments are added with the sketch considering the kind of〓filter use for the brightness area, 
general pattern remaining similar, except for W29 were this is dimer.
Nothing else, weather here is very hot for our country.

[Stanislas Maksymowicz  Ecquevilly,France]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section