ALPO-Japan Latest

Venus Image 2017/09/02(UT)

Paul G. Abel

Paul G. Abel
Seeing wasn't very good but there were a number of features present on the disk:
Illuminated Disk:  Disk size now small, and powers greater than x150 have to be employed to see anything at all. 
 There seemed to be a dusk streak spreading diagonally up from the terminator.
Bright Limb Band: Visible and complete.
Terminator: Geometrically regular.
Cusp Caps: Hard to be certain, but it looked like the southern cusp was brighter.
Cusp Collars: The southern cusp collar was more conspicuous.
By 1244UT seeing became hopeless- little point in any further observing.

[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section