火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2018/03/20(UT)

Clyde Foster,Damian Peach,Paul Maxson

解説(安達)/ Comment by Makoto Adachi
Clyde Foster氏は良く撮れた画像を報告してきた。それによると南極フードは、次第に小さくなりつつあるようで、今まで隠されていた
Electrisの北側がはっきりと見えるようになった。Elysium Monsは山と白雲が分離されている。Syrtis Majorの東側に光斑が見られるが、

Mr. Clyde Foster has reported well-taken images. According to it,Antarctic hood seems to gradually become smaller,and the north side of
Electris hidden until now becomes clearly visible. Elysium Mons has mountains and white clouds separated. Light spots are seen on the
east side of Syrtis Major,but even in IR and red images it is clearly recorded and it shows that small dust storms have occurred.

(by 1 observation ;reported by Makoto Adachi)

Clyde Foster
Mars this morning. Elysium at lower left.

[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]

Damian Peach
Poor seeing on the 20th. Syrtis Major is nicely seen with a bluish cloud over it.

[Damian Peach: Loudwater,Buckinghamshire,United Kingdom]

Paul Maxson
Average seeing.

[ Paul Maxson:Surprise,Arizona,United States]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section