火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2018/11/27(UT)
荒川 毅,長瀬雅明,石橋力,阿久津富夫,三品利郎,熊森照明,岩政隆一,伊藤了史
Clyde Foster,Efrain Morales Rivera,Damian Peach,John Sussenbach

解説(安達)/ Comment by Makoto Adachi
 Arsia Monsの白雲はもう見られなくなっている。阿久津氏の画像によれば、北半球の朝霧が大きく広がっているのが分かる。

Arsia Mons' white clouds are no longer being seen. According to Mr. Akutsu's picture,you can see that the morning fog in the northern
hemisphere is spreading widely. Mr. Kumamori is recording cloud bands around the SPC.

(by 11 observations ;reported by Makoto Adachi)

Tsuyoshi Arakawa

≪奈良県奈良市  荒川 毅≫[Tsuyoshi Arakawa:Nara Japan]

Masaaki Nagase

[Masaaki Nagase,Kawasaki-City,Japan]

SOLIS LACSの辺りも、見慣れた感じ(個人の感想です)の様に思いました。

(Tutomu-Ishibashi Kanagawa-P Japan)
≪神奈川県  相模原市  石橋力≫

Tomio Akutsu

≪茨城県 : 阿久津富夫≫


≪神奈川県  横浜市  三品利郎≫[Toshirou.Mishina:Kanagawa Japan]

Teruaki Kumamori

≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫[Teruaki Kumamori:Ohsaka Japan]

Clyde Foster
I thought that I had used up my supply of goosebumps as I followed the touchdown of the NASA Insight Lander yesterday.
But as Mars came on screen this evening,less than 24h after the touchdown,I found myself getting quite emotional as I gazed down,
in real time,on the region where Insight has made its new home,and where it will hopefully,in the coming months,perform amazing science.
Over and above my standard image set,I have included a tribute image to the Insight mission team,
who did such an amazing job of getting the spacecraft to the surface safely.
The approximate landing site is marked with a red “X” We live in amazing times.

[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]

Ryuichi Iwamasa
SPCが小さく明るい。OlympusMonsの赤みが顕著。S:3-4/10  T:6/10

≪神奈川県横浜市  岩政隆一≫[Ryuichi Iwamasa:Kanagawa:Japan]

Satoshi Ito

≪愛知県  春日井市  伊藤了史≫[Satoshi Ito. Kasugai City,Aichi,Japan]

Efrain Morales Rivera

[Efrain Morales Rivera  Aguadilla:Puerto Rico]

Damian Peach
Some excellent seeing on the 27th allowed a very good view of Sinus Meridiani and surrounding regions.
Lots to see despite the 9.6" apparent diameter.

[Damian Peach: Loudwater,Buckinghamshire,United Kingdom]

John Sussenbach

[John Sussenbach:Houten,Netherlands]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section