C ALPO-Japan Latest

Neptune Image 2018/09/27(UT)

Daniel Fremond

Daniel Fremond
2018/09/27 20h08m 20h36n  and 21h14 m(UT)
newtonian altaz skywatcher flextube  305mm Barlow 3x, adc zwo, QHY5III290m with baader 610+filter
Seeing 8/10 Trans 7/10, (North up, polar axis is set vertically)
Three captures of approximatively 30 minutes
Good conditions, no wind.  Sharpcap, Registax6, Photoshop (histogram special setting  for Triton)
We can see a black zone in the South area (down) and a clear storm both in north and another one in South.

[Daniel Fremond : Coutances,France]

ALPO-Japan Latest Neptune Section