土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2018/07/20(UT)
橋野英嗣,佐藤康明,吉田知之,平林 勇
Pericles Enache,Ioannis A. Bouhras

Pericles Enache
Conditions were not as great as the conditions I had when running my
recordings of Jupiter but it was nice despite of an active strong jet
stream. Saturn danced terribly in the computer screen but sometimes it
was steady for several seconds which gave me good data to process. I
think there is a storm in the equatorial zone that has just crossed
Saturn CM. It can be seen in the animation which represents 16 minutes
of Saturn rotation.

[Pericles Enache,Sao Paulo,Brazil]

Hidetugu Hashino

≪千葉県木更津市 橋野英嗣≫[Hidetugu Hashino:Chiba:Japan]

Yasuaki Sato

[Sagamihara-shi Kanagawa-prefecture Japan]
≪神奈川県相模原市  佐藤康明≫

Tomoyuki Yoshida

[吉田知之 Tomoyuki Yoshida:Utsunomiya,Tochigi,Japan]

Ioannis A. Bouhras

[Ioannis A. Bouhras : Peristeri,Athens,Greece]


Isamu Hirabayashi (Tokyo,Japan)
≪東京都日野市  平林 勇≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section