天王星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Uranus Image 2018/02/21(UT)

Stanislas Maksmowicz

Stanislas Maksymowicz
Here is a report for Uranus performed on last 21st with the 127mm EDT 
apochromat under good images quoted 8-9/10 on 100Pisc. star.
Darker poles area with a clear zone on the north hemisphere between.
It was performed such with the R90mm and the MCT152mm, 
the evolution of the data was clearly given with the aperture progression 
under excellent images mosty near perfect.
The SCT 203mm gave just a little more to similar than the MCT152mm.
The importance of the image stability.
The pattern on the planet disk exhibits features of 1" arc size 
and a little more for some with contrast levels settled to be 1% more or less, well accessible.
The 305mm get more confort but minored by the relative 
unstability of images on the observation site in cause.
More aperture may improve, slightly, the observability on the planet 
but request an excellent observational site with minimum 7-8/10 images. Very rare.
This is the last report for the present opposition.

[Stanislas Maksymowicz  Ecquevilly,France]

ALPO-Japan Latest Uranus Section