天王星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Uranus Image 2018/11/02(UT)

Stanislas Maksymowicz

Stanislas Maksymowicz
Performed with the 127mm EDTapo, also the 235mm Cassegrain for 
Uranus during the best periods of the night
(after Sunset and before moisture deposition for uranus).
For Uranus a stuning pattern at the pole area was suspected: 
a relative dark pole and a thin ring all around the pole.
With regards to the sky conditions, this pattern requires a confirmation.
At present close to Uranus there is a double star 
that helped to focus acurately and for quotation of the actual seeing as noted on the sketch 
(anyway there was a microseeing not negligeable due to 
neighbour wood fire chimneys very destroying the images at the eyepiece. 
Quotation given represents the best moments over 1s times).

[Stanislas Maksymowicz  Ecquevilly,France]

ALPO-Japan Latest Uranus Section