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Uranus Image 2019/10/12(UT)
Walter Martins,Vincenzo della Vecchia,Avani Soares
W.Martins,V.della Vecchia,A.Soares
[Walter Martins : SAO PAULO BRAZIL]
Uranus taken in good seeing conditions showing the brilliant north polar cap.
I used a very soft processing to avoid artifacts to come out.
[Vincenzo della Vecchia : [Aversa,Italy]
What is real in Uranus?
Following other posts, I am reprinting the image of Uranus that I made artificially colored,
along with another that I tried to make as natural as possible (bottom left).
In this IR 610 nanometer image I just piled on AS! 2 and gave the wavelets a slight tug with a 200% resize.
Of course the original image was red and I converted it to black and white to make it more aesthetically pleasing.
In this less processed image we can actually perceive what Uranus looks like,
none of those artificial colors that are impossible to exist and with nuances of things that do not know what is real or artifact.
Most experts agree that currently Uranus presents itself with almost no noteworthy activity,
and that the only right thing is the clearer polar region relative to the rest of the planet,
which can easily be seen in the black and white image. White.
We then deduced that it would be virtually impossible to take anything large as it appears in the color image and that as such,
most of those "nuances" are really just noise caused by over processing.
[ Observatory Parsec,City Canoas,Brazil]