木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2020/04/16(UT)
荒川 毅,大杉忠夫,井上 修,熊森照明,黒田瑞穂,安達 誠,佐々木一男,菅野清一
Clyde Foster,Willian Souza,Eric Sussenbach,Christopher Go,Anthony Wesley,Michael Wong,Ethan Chappel
C.Foster,W.Souza,E.Sussenbach,Christopher Go,T.Arakawa,T.Ohsugi,Anthony.W,O.Inoue,T.Kumamori,M.Kuroda,M.Adachi,M.Wong,K.Sasaki,S.Kanno,E.Chappel

Clyde Foster
It was great to be back imaging this morning after a few days of cloud and rain
(I'm not going to complain about that as we head into our dry Autumn/winter seasons)
It’s also getting cooler as we have had the first snows on my favourite Drakensberg mountains 400kms to the south of me.

I had some glimpses of reasonable seeing as Oval BA was rotating to the preceding limb at lower right,with a number of dark features trailing it.
The SEBs is busy and there is an isolated reddish spot in the STrZ just past the CM.

There is some interesting structure in the NEB,centred on the CM,with some darkish material.

The NTB(and NNTB?) also show some interesting dark material features,and there is a distinct dark spot in the north approaching the CM.

Io was moving away from Jupiter during the session with some large scale albedo features visible.

[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]

Willian Souza

[Willian Souza : Sao Paulo,Brazil]

Eric Sussenbach

[Eric Sussenbach : [ Willemstad,Curacao (Dutch Caribbean)]

Christopher Go
The GRS is well resolved.  There seems to be some extension on the f side.
There is a hint of this extension in the methane band.
The outbreaks on the wake of the GRS is very bright both in visible and methane band.
The SEB is very pale on the f side.  Oval BA can be seen rising on the left.
There seems to be a bright spot inside Oval BA.
The NEB is active in this region with some outbreaks and a lot of rifting.
There seems to be this dark clouds on the NEB (just before the CM) which affects some regions of the NEB.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]

Tsuyoshi Arakawa

≪奈良県奈良市  荒川 毅≫[Tsuyoshi Arakawa:Nara Japan]

Tadao Ohsugi

≪石川県小松市 大杉忠夫≫[Tadao Ohsugi:Komatsu city Ishikawa pre,Japan]

Anthony Wesley
Hi all,here's a colour image of Jupiter from this morning. Seeing was
good for this capture but very changeable through the session making it
difficult to capture consistent data.

The GRS is setting at lower right,and a green/yellow extension is
visible on the right hand side. The shadow of Io is visible at upper
right,blurred by the merging of data used to make this image.

[Anthony Wesley,Murrumbateman Australia]
≪アンソニ  オーストラリア≫

Osamu Inoue

≪大阪府  枚方市  井上  修≫[Osamu Inoue. Hirakata-shi,Osaka,Japan]

Teruaki Kumamori

≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫[Teruaki Kumamori:Ohsaka Japan]

Mizuho Kuroda

≪黒田瑞穂 : 兵庫県 太子町≫[Mizuho Kuroda : Taishi Hyogo Japan]

Makoto Adachi

≪滋賀県  大津市  安達  誠≫[Makoto Adachi:Siga Japan]

Michael Wong

[Michael Wong,Hong Kong,China]

Kazuo Sasaki

[K.Sasaki:Ohsaki-City Miyagi-Prefecture Japan]
≪宮城県大崎市  佐々木一男≫

Seiichi Kanno

≪山形県上山市  菅野清一≫[Seiichi Kanno:Yamagata Japan]

Ethan Chappel
Third consecutive morning of imaging. Still lacking fine details due to poor conditions, 
but this is the best image of the apparition so far.

 - The Equatorial Zone is still slightly orange.

[Ethan Chappel Cibolo,Texas,United States]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section