火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2020/01/06(UT)

Clyde Foster

解説(安達)/ Comment by Makoto Adachi
 Clyde Foster氏の観測が寄せられた。非常によく撮れていて驚いた。視直径は4秒台であるから驚きだ。
 今は、低緯度地方に氷晶雲が顕著な時期に当たるため、画像でもはっきり記録されている。南の縁に見られる白雲はアルギレ(Argyre;30W,-50 )

 Mr. Clyde Foster's observations were received. I was surprised to be able to shoot very well. I am surprised because the visual diameter 
is in the order of 4 seconds.
Now it is clearly recorded in the image because the water ice cloud is in a remarkable period in the low latitudes. The white cloud 
on the southern margin is a cloud that originated in the Argyre (30W, -50) basin. A small fog can be seen near the terminator near 
the Antarctic, which is also common at this time. 
 In the northern hemisphere, there is a bright part in the eastern part of Tempe (50W ~ 90W, + 45), which looks like a scalp. There is 
a white spot that seems to be NPC, but it is not known whether it is NPC or a cloud above.

(by 1 observation; reported by Makoto Adachi)
Clyde Foster
I am back in action after a wonderful roadtrip to Namibia over the festive season and wishing everyone a very happy New Year.
My first Mars full image set for the 2020 apparition, captured this morning. M Acidalium and Chryse can be seen at lower left. 
The NPC may just be detected at bottom, and I suspect that a frosted Argyre may be seen at top. 
There seems to be quite a bit of discrete clouds visible. RGB resized 1.5x. 
Always a bit of a challenge getting the layout reasonable with Mars still small.

[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section