Venus Planisphere 202003-16-18-19-20 by L.Morrone
concerning my last Venus images, i have prepared a Planisphere of Venus atmosphere in the near ultraviolet band.
The map was created taking into account the atmosphere rotation in March 16-18-19-20th.
For the map creation the WinJupos software was used.
A cylindrical projection and the Planetocentric Latitudes ( system2) between +60 and -60 were adopted.
The North is up.
The merging between the various pictures is not perfetto since i hadn't enough images.
My goal was to understand the evolution of cloud structure in the UV band over the different days.
Interesting results to be continuity of the atmosphere systems in the various days.
Setup used:
C14 Edge HD Fornax52 mount ASI 178 mono Baader UV 320-380
[Luigi Morrone : City Agerola Italy]
ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section