木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2021/05/25(UT)
鈴木邦彦,井上 修,阿久津富夫,堀川邦昭,尾崎公一,黒田瑞穂
Joaquin Camarena,Antonio Cidadao,Clyde Foster,Guan.Zhong Wang,Christofer Mauricio Baez Jim

Joaquin Camarena

[Joaquin Camarena:Spain]

Antonio Cidadao
Dear sirs,with Jupiter low in the sky I tried to grab some CH4 and IR1000 images at highest elevation,i.e. after sunrise.
Images (with relevant details) are attached,as is a two frame CH4 animation to show EZ brightening rotating with the planet.

Processing was kept to a minimum except for the IR1000 insert where an ellipse surrounds a EZ feature that may be related to the CH4 brightening.

Regards and sorry for the poor quality data.

≪アントニオ  シダダオ  ポルトガル≫
[Antonio Cidadao  Oeiras - Portugal]

Clyde Foster
GRS was in transit. There are two small outbreaks in the NEB(S).
Although the chimney appears to be closed,there is a reddish plume extending from the top of the GRS hollow.
The latest SEBs ring has entered the hollow and can be seen in the RGB.

[Clyde Foster:Centurion,South Africa]

Kunihiko Suzuki

[Kunihiko Suzuki : Yokohama-city Kanagawa-Prefecture Japan]
≪神奈川県  横浜市  鈴木邦彦≫

Osamu Inoue

≪大阪府  枚方市  井上  修≫[Osamu Inoue. Hirakata-shi,Osaka,Japan]

Tomio Akutsu

≪茨城県 : 阿久津富夫≫

Kuniaki Horikawa

≪神奈川県横浜市泉区  堀川邦昭≫[Kuniaki Horikawa:Kanagawa Japan]

Guan.Zhong Wang

[Guan.Zhong Wang : Taichung,Taiwan]

Kimikazu Ozaki


[Ki.Ozaki,Sobue Inazawa Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県稲沢市祖父江町  尾崎公一≫

Mizuho Kuroda

≪黒田瑞穂 : 兵庫県 太子町≫[Mizuho Kuroda : Taishi Hyogo Japan]

Christofer Mauricio Baez Jimenez

[Christofer Mauricio Baez Jimenez :Santo Domingo,Dominican Republic.]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section