木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2021/09/06(UT)
三品利郎,伊藤了史,青木和夫,鈴木邦彦,荒川 毅,石橋力,井上 修,宮原正育,堀川邦昭,森田光治,鈴木 隆,安達 誠,熊森照明,堀井恵策,高尾幸弘,鶴海敏久,尾崎公一
Guilherme Grassmann,Carlos Alberto Palhares,Lucca Schwingel Viola,Jose Luis Pereira,Mark Lonsdale,Guan.Zhong Wang,Gary Walker,Mike Hood,Trevor Barry,Constantin Sprianu,Jean-Luc Dauvergne,Paul G. Abel,Thomas E. Williamson,Kev Wildgoose,Efrain Morales Rivera,Milika-Nicholas,Rob Bullen,Michel Jacques Jacquesson,Vlamir da Silva Junior,Damian Peach
G.Grassmann,C.A.Palhares,L.S.Viola,T.Mishina,S.Ito,K.Aoki,K.Suzuki,J.Luis,T.Arakawa,T.Ishibashi,O.Inoue,M.Miyahara,K.Horikawa,M.Morita,T.Suzuki,M.Lonsdale,M.Adachi,T.Kumamori,K.Horii,Y.Takao,T.Tsurumi,G.Z.Wang,G.Walker,M.Hood,T.Barry,C.Sprianu,JL Dauvergne,P.Abel,T.Williamson,K.Wildgoose,E.Morales,Milika-Nicholas,R.Bullen,Michel.J,V.da Silva Jr.,K.Ozaki,D.Peach

Guilherme Grassmann

[Guilherme Grassmann,Americana-San Paulo,Brasil]

Carlos Alberto Palhares

[Carlos Alberto Palhares,MOnte Carmelo,MG,Brazil ]

Lucca Schwingel Viola

[Lucca Schwingel Viola : Matupa Brazil]


≪神奈川県  横浜市  三品利郎≫[Toshirou.Mishina:Kanagawa Japan]

Satoshi Ito

≪愛知県  春日井市  伊藤了史≫[Satoshi Ito. Kasugai City,Aichi,Japan]

Kazuo Aoki

[青木和夫:東京都世田谷区][Kazuo Aoki:Tokyo Japan]

Kunihiko Suzuki

[Kunihiko Suzuki : Yokohama-city Kanagawa-Prefecture Japan]
≪神奈川県  横浜市  鈴木邦彦≫

Jose Luis Pereira
Newtonian Telescope 275mm f/5.3 + QHY5III462C + Powermate Televue 5x + IRUV Cut filter. Ganymedes satellite transit

[Jose Luis Pereira :Sao Caetano do Sul/Sao Paulo/Brasil]

Tsuyoshi Arakawa

≪奈良県奈良市  荒川 毅≫[Tsuyoshi Arakawa:Nara Japan]

Tutomu Ishibashi

(Tutomu-Ishibashi Kanagawa-P Japan)
≪神奈川県  相模原市  石橋力≫

Osamu Inoue

≪大阪府  枚方市  井上  修≫[Osamu Inoue. Hirakata-shi,Osaka,Japan]

Miyahara Masayasu

<<北海道札幌市  宮原正育>>[Miyahara Masayasu. Sapporo,Hokkaido,Japan]

Kuniaki Horikawa

≪神奈川県横浜市泉区  堀川邦昭≫[Kuniaki Horikawa:Kanagawa Japan]

Mitsuji Morita

≪滋賀県守山市  森田光治≫[Mitsuji Morita:Siga Japan]

Takashi Suzuki

[Takashi  Suzuki  (Hachiouji-City Tokyo  Japan)]
≪東京都八王子市  鈴木  隆≫

Mark Lonsdale

[Mark Lonsdale : [Canberra,Australia]

Makoto Adachi






≪滋賀県  大津市  安達  誠≫[Makoto Adachi:Siga Japan]

Teruaki Kumamori

≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫[Teruaki Kumamori:Ohsaka Japan]

Keisaku Horii

≪兵庫県姫路市  堀井恵策≫[Keisaku Horii : Himeji Hyougo Japan]

Yukihiro Takao

<<北海道札幌市  高尾幸弘>>[Yukihiro Takao.Sapporo-city,Hokkaido,Japan]

Toshihisa Tsurumi

≪岡山県岡山市  鶴海敏久≫[Toshihisa Tsurumi:Okayama-City Okayama-Prefecture Japan]

Guan.Zhong Wang

[Guan.Zhong Wang : Taichung,Taiwan]

Gary Walker

[Gary Walker:Georgia:USA]

Mike Hood
This image of Jupiter has Ganymede and it's shadow
passing across face of Jupiter.  The image was de-rotated
for 21 minutes

[Mike Hood : Kathleen Georgia,U.S.A.]

Trevor Barry
Imaged Jupiter September 6th in fair seeing at best.
Have resolved the NN-WS-6 in the NNTB toward the F limb. Oval BA is well resolved as are WS6,
A5 and A4 with A3 and A2 also seen. DS7 and the F-Spectre are also resolved.

[Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

Constantin Sprianu
This is Jupiter on the 6th of September. We battled some cirrus clouds and the wind with mixed success,
when there were holes in the clouds,the wind started blowing and viceversa

[Constantin Sprianu,Otopeni,Romania]

Jean-Luc Dauvergne

[Jean-Luc Dauvergne:Paris France]

Paul G. Abel

Please find attached an observation of Jupiter made on 6th September in good conditions.
The air was warm and steady with seeing around AII-III.  A number of details were seen:

- White ovals seen in the SSTB quite distinctive.
- GRS close to the prec limb- the STropB could be seen in the zone.
Some interesting structure around the GRS-looks like material branching off from the SEB(n) and interacting with it.
- EZ colouration seemed a little stronger tonight.
- NEB a thin dark brownish colour.  Two dark barges seen in the NEBn.
- Dark sections seen in the NTB and longer more irregular sections in the NNTB.

At 2118UT definition was good enough to use a power of x600 to examine Europa and Ganymede which were close together.
Again the colour difference was quite striking with gold/browns in Ganymede and Europa appearing to be a brilliant white.

[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]

Thomas E. Williamson

[ Thomas E. Williamson Albuquerque,New Mexico,USA ]

Kev Wildgoose

[Kev Wildgoose:Oswestry,UK]

Efrain Morales Rivera

[Efrain Morales Rivera  Aguadilla:Puerto Rico]

Apologies for the late sending: Jovian images from September 6th 2021 -
one an enlargement not usually our practise,plus an animation of capture data from the night...
with the OvalBA almost on the CM - WS6 is also prominent in the images &
animation along with quite a lot of detail deep into the polar regions.
An ir610nm filter image also included.

[Milika-Nicholas:Adelaide,South Australia]

Rob Bullen
This is a set of images from the night of the 6th September which was the calmest night of this apparition for me so far this year.
Observing is difficult as Jupiter is low over the roof tops but I was fairly happy with the results from this session.
Images are IR only,RGB and a combination of the two to form an IR-RGB image which brings out a little more detail in the colour image."

[Rob Bullen: Gloucestershire,UK]

Michel Jacquesson

[Michel Jacquesson : Sevigny-Waleppe (Ardennes) France]

Vlamir da Silva Junior

[Vlamir da Silva Junior : Sao Paulo,Brazil]

Kimikazu Ozaki

[Ki.Ozaki,Sobue Inazawa Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県稲沢市祖父江町  尾崎公一≫

Damian Peach
Here is a previously unprocessed set of data taken near opposition earlier this year. 
This set was taken under excellent seeing using the 50cm telescope on La Palma (since sadly lost in the eruption :-(
Many very fine details are visible across the planet, 
and i think this must be among the most detailed images ever produced of the planet from a non professional size telescope. 
Its certainly beyond anything produced from 35-40cm aperture telescopes. 
It actually compares quite well with the images we produced at Pic du Midi in 2017.

Further, this image is only 5 x 60 sec captures using the colour ASI462MC camera. Food for thought!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and New Year!

[Damian Peach: Loudwater,Buckinghamshire,United Kingdom]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section